

The Show

In 2016, I created, produced and performed a one-woman show called Spinning Immigrant at the FringeArts Theater in Philadelphia.

I learned how to DJ for the show, and interviewed immigrants to look at what it means to be an immigrant and to self reflect on my own life and journey as a French woman who has now lived here (in the US) for more than 15 years.

How has the American Dream been kept alive by immigrants but has become completely obsolete for Americans?

In the show we experience the visceral journey of immigration and belonging as well as poke at the ridiculousness of systems.

Photo from newspaper of Emmanuelle in front of blue gate
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It’s not a political show: It’s asking immigrants “how does it feel to re-create home and what makes a home?” I want to bring the voice of the people who are not really heard.

- Emmanuelle D. for Philadelphia Magazine
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Mixing is what an immigrant does in a way. We have to be in the groove, to start on the same beat, to layer in and out to find wholeness and to create our new music.

- Emmanuelle D. for FringeArts

Let’s Create Something...

Get in touchEmmanuelle as security clown from nose up